Tuesday, 12 February 2019

A Week of Firsts!

A Week of Firsts
The inaugural 23-mile Hertfordshire Way walk organised by Walk Wild gave me plenty of time for reflection.  Being out amongst nature is always good for my body and soul.
Finishers Photo taken by Ian Finch
It dawned on me as I reflected that the week of 4-9 February was a week of firsts.  On Tuesday 5th February I joined District 81, for the first time, and was delighted by the warm welcome I received. I joined the first of their workshops aimed at helping members apply ‘that superhero punch to your speeches’.
 The guest speaker was 2018 WCOPS finalist Wilwiek Najihah who shared the learning from her amazing journey to the finals.  The next speaker will be Mark Brown the winner of the 1995 WCOPS. It will certainly be worth joining them at midnight UK time to hear him speak.
The eagerly awaited new path – Engaging Humour – became available on Tuesday 6th February.
I joined members from around the world and purchased the path on the first day of its release. I can’t wait to get started!
I didn’t have to wait long to hear the first speech from the Engaging Humour (EH) Path. Julie Kertesz, Pathways Pioneer, gave her EH Ice-breaker at the Emperor Mandarin online Toastmasters club on Friday 8th February.
On Saturday 9th February  at 06:00 UK time I joined the Global Trainers online meeting for the first time.
It was a vibrant and exciting meeting with a two speeches from the new Engaging Humour path: The Icebreaker from Michelle Alba-Lim and Julie’s first level one EH speech.  Listening to the two speakers made me even more eager to get started on this new and exciting path.
At the end of the 23 mile walk, where we had rain, some hailstones, mud galore and a bit of sunshine, my feet were tired but I felt proud that I stayed the course. A useful thought as I navigate Pathways.

1 comment:

Hels B said...

Hi Elizabeth, I always find that a walk is a great way to clear the mind whether it's a 23 mile challenge or a 20 minute walk during the lunch break. Keep thinking and keep writing.