Thursday, 22 March 2018

Pathways Has Arrived!


The Day Has Arrived!

Tuesday 20th March 2018 will be remembered for many reasons including being the first day of Spring and the International Day of Happiness. For Toastmasters in Regions 1 and 11, it will be remembered chiefly as the day that Pathways – the new Toastmasters Educational Program –was rolled out and members embarked on a new beginning. “Everything new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.” This quote by Seneca, shared by Toastmaster Julie Kertesz, sums up the change well.
There was eager anticipation across the two regions and members took to social media all day to share their first impressions of Pathways and wish each other a Happy Pathways Day.
I was delighted to log on to Pathways with ease early in the morning (UK time) and view the four clubs I am a member of and choose my home club. I chose Hertfordshire Speakers the club I joined eight years ago.
I am truly grateful to Emperor Mandarin Toastmasters Club which I joined in November 2017 to gain my first practical experience of Pathways. Following the online assessment, I chose the Leadership Development Path, and  completed my Icebreaker on 15 December 2017.  
In my next blog I will share the reason for my choice of Path and give a more in depth view about my experience of the Leadership Development Projects.
Elizabeth Jordan


Steve Campion said...

I love the enthusiasm. Good use of a thought-provoking quote. I might steal that one :-)

Perhaps as your blog progresses you can write about some of the challenges around the change too. No change is ever perfect and 100% positive, and it would add further depth to your blog to include more of your personal experience.

I understand that this is a celebratory post though :-)

I also like how you trail what your next post will be about. It creates anticipation.

Liz Burnett said...

Loved reading your blog Elizabeth and always inspired by your enthusiasm, it can win over even the greatest Pathways doubters - as did the clarity of your presentation at East Herts Speakers last night. I also liked the personal side to your blog - the judo black belt - and aligning it with Toastmasters' values. Wonderful!